Wednesday, June 18, 2008

father's day

We spent Father's Day at the San Francisco Zoo. I think we had just as much fun as Emma. It was pretty cold, maybe it hit the 60's, so I had to buy a sweatshirt to keep warm! Emma loved all the animals, I think she had the most fun in the petting zoo.

Here is Jens and Emma checking out a giraffe.

In the Children's Zoo, we saw neat things like an armadillo. Here we are checking out a salamander. They are kind of soft and moist looking, I don't think she knew what to make of it.

I thought her Great Aunt Pam would get a kick out of Emma on a saddle.

Thank goodness the animals in the petting zoo were friendly and gentle. I think Emma thought this was a close friend of Cosmo's!

What a happy dad and daughter!

1 comment:

jon-paul, jessica, justin and della stefani said...

She looks so darned cute loving that animal--goat? Which I think is funny because he doesn't look like he's all that soft. But as long as she was enjoying herself!