Thursday, May 15, 2008

heat wave

The last couple of days have been H-O-T. Today the temperature was supposed to be in the 100's. I don't know what it was officially outside, but inside the house it was 93(!!) degrees. That's right, I said INSIDE. Whew. Yes, most older homes in the Bay Area do not have air conditioning. I know it's not Roseville, but we do get a few really hot days here. Good thing I still have the plastic pool from last year. A little scrubbing and it looked like new. I think Emma was in it 4 different times today. These pictures are from the first time of the day with the cute bathing suit on. After that, I just stripped her out of her diaper and let her in naked. In the evening we were playing outside and she just crawled right in with her sandals and diaper.

1 comment:

jon-paul, jessica, justin and della stefani said...

How fun! I wish I had a yard. :-( I hear ya about the heat wave. It's not quite as hot as up there, but hot for May!